Monday, April 16, 2007

Wishing Well: a saga

Here I am wishing that my fucking well would still work.

I had to take a half day off work today to go to Durham's City Hall, in order to fill out paperwork to START the process of hooking up my house to city water. The forms and paperwork evidently had to be done in person and they took all of 10 minutes to fill out. They were filled out by 2:10 pm today.

The paperwork then should get entered into the system still today (monday) if the guy did it before 3 pm as he intended.

The city's computer system, however, won't generate a work order until sometime tomorrow.

Then the guy who puts the tap on the city water pipe gets the work order on WEDNESDAY. And then there is no guarantee as to when I will get water. Could be hooked up this week... could be as many as two... because mine is an emergency. Otherwise it could be four weeks.

I'm supposed to call the guy first thing on Wednesday to plead my case (i.e. beg).

My father and fat uncle are still planning on coming down for their spring golf visit this coming Saturday. I have done NONE of my usual prepwork for them. No tee times, no maps, no itinerary, no durham bulls tickets... nada.

I'm going insane.


At 11:57 PM, Blogger madhousesix said...

the offer still stands to stay at the hotel with me.

no.strings.attached. (that was for the dirty minded folks who read your blog)

At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath, calm down. All will come together. Maybe not when you want it, but it will.

In the meantime, you have done all you can, so hae a nice cup of herbal tea with some nice fresh scones and enjoy life.

Before you know it you will be laughing at all this.


At 5:02 PM, Blogger Donnie said...

*Serenity Now*

Take it'll all work itself out.


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